• Address: 3240 E State St Ext, Trenton, NJ 08619
  • +1 609 571 6558, +91 706 543 3076

Clean Water

Clean Water

163 Million Of people face daily struggle in India for clean water. People don’t even have enough water to drink and they live in a scarcity of water required for cooking, cleaning, washing in almost every day to day activity. As a result, they get sick, which directly affects their livelihood and education too.

Water quality and inadequate fresh water resources to meet the human and environmental needs across the globe. Water scarcity is inextricably linked with human rights, and adequate access to safe drinking water is a major factor in global development. However, in view of the challenges of population growth, increased consumption, increased pollution, and climate change is due to global warming, many countries and major cities around the world, rich or poor, face increasing water shortages in the 21st century. Rich people still find their way through it but the ones who suffer are the lower economical class of the society. The quality of water is poor in slum areas which is a huge cause of having several kinds of disease.

Water must be easily accessible to everyone in a healthier form without any struggle. Our aim is to make water more clear and drinkable for the people who are facing the scarcity of it.

What we do: – 

  • We do a proper survey by visiting every possible village and take a list of the neediest villages there.
  • We supply and manage hand pumps and bore water facilities in each village as per the need.
  • We test and assure the quality of water after the installation and provide a proper demonstration on the usage. 

Benefits from service: – 

  • Borehole and hand pump water are rich in minerals and nutrients and has longer life durability in comparison of any other water supply.
  • There will be uninterrupted supply of water so that people can use it as per their need.
  • It will be sustainable water management with good water quality.

This is just a small initiative to bring optimistic change in this huge, wide world!